Monday, March 18, 2013

olas y pintas en la fiesta de San Patricio

Waves and pints on Saint Patric's day.
This was one of the best Saint Patrick's Days evah! Especially after the shitty day before. _MG_2103
OK - nothing seriously epic, it was so damn cold! One could almost feel the warmth of the sun through the neoprene - almost. But the sun was especially bright and you just have to stay in that kind of light it as much as possible. And not too many people can do that and be on the water and on every month of the year and with good company. _MG_2107
above: the Gloucester Turbines loom in the far distance. fluffernutter on whole grain
No corned beef & cabbage sorry to say, but did you know Saint Patrick freakin' loved fluffernutters? So if you're saving Ireland or just surfing they won't let you down. A Saint Patrick's day without a pint of stout just ain't right.
Oh yeah - a pint, or four, until a someone went off a barstool onto the floor and the EMT's showed up. Too bad they work so hard at the Rhumb Line, and despite its notoriety, the Rhummy's not that kind of place. It was a school night anyway so, while I hope he's ok, it was time to call it a day anyway.

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