Last weekend I took a quick trip to Brooklyn. I love the place, always did.
Brooklyn – the famous borough is known as the “city of homes”, and a lot of other things. I know it’s the city of gorgeous women. I hadn’t been down in ages, and since then, the whole vibe of the place had changed – or morphed. That’s a good thing, a sign of a dynamic community. The McCarren Park Pool concerts, a whole new generation of artists, musicians, scenesters, and everything else had cycled in. The whole DIY indie rocker feel was very much evident, but in a very unforced way. Certainly a treat for a bachelor living in Rockport.
It’s everything a surf shop should be: small, a good cross section of surfboards (Junod, Andreini, Fineline, Rainbow, Anderson, - are you listening Tyler?), and fins that would blow your mind. For duds, they have their own stuff -- zero Quikabong Stone Inc, plus Birdwells. Thank you. One more thing: the guys who work there could not be any nicer and more knowledgeable. I’ll be back, thanks! They hooked me up with this super board. Yes, I confess, I ordered a board last Summer, and sold the Tyler 305 to finance the project. It showed up in December. I felt so guilty, I didnt talk about it much.

A surf shop in Brooklyn? Yup. A surf shop in Brooklyn makes a lot of sense. They are close enough to Long Beach, Rockaway, Lido, and breaks all along the LI shore, plus the NJ breaks are just over the Verrazano. Now this is gonna ruffle feathers. Don’t take this wrong, but: the average skill set of surfers from LI & NJ is higher than that of New England. It’s only natural, more consistent surf, warmer water, and better weather will get you in the water more than around here. (As an aside – it’s been awful here!)

Lunch at
La Superior:
Just go there if you like Mexican food. The real deal. Pick up a six of Tecate at the Bodega next door, and your good.

I read that a break in the routine is an easy way to lift you out of a funk. Whatever, I’ve been all inspired and up ever since.