Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Roller Derbies Are Fun

Originally uploaded by jmaxh
I was gonna just laze around at home last Saturday. But my friend Karen - Jon's wife - started doing roller derby.

There's always been a strong rockabilly/hot rod/retro all americana fun aspect to Roller Derby. It's a trip that I really dig. But it was so hard to get motivated for anything late on a Saturday afternoon.

It was at the Shriner's auditorium in Wilmington. Cars were parked on the access route, it was packed. The crowd was amazing. Punkers, Indie rock chicks, rockabilly cats & kittens, diesels, rock climbers, surfers, and everything in between.

The action was super! Chuck aside any ideas of amazons in football jerseys beating each other into oblivion. However there was no shortage of striped tube socks and wild tattoos. These girls were total athletes and the speed was amazing. They have great names like "Triple Deck-her" and "Ivana Clobber". I love it.


The rules are still unclear to me, but watching the girls blasting around over a hot dog and a beer cannot be beat.

My pictures kinda suck, it was dark & the shutter lag was killing me. The videos came out great, I need to edit and upload a bunch.

And to think I hesitated. I was stoked, - even scored a killer t shirt. I'll be back in November to watch the Wicked Pissahs go against the Nutcrackers.


see bostonderbydames.com


  1. Damnit, someone has got to alert me so I can put up a link in advance of one and possibly get a caravan going.

    Sounds like the perfect night!

  2. Did you see the movie "Whip It"? Really good Roller Derby movie
